Nebraska Football All-Time LetterwinnersNebraska Football All-Time Letterwinners

N-Club All-Time Letterwinner Listing - - Nebraska Athletics Official Web Site


Nebraska Football All-Time Letterwinners

Nebraska Football All-Time Letterwinners List (A-Z) PDF

: To access a complete list of Nebraska football's all-time letterwinners alphabetically, just click on the letters below.  Each letter represents the first letter of a player's last name. The Nebraska football letterwinner list is as complete and accurate as historical records allow. Corrections and additions will be made if documentation is provided. In each entry, the year is listed for each letter won. For example in the listing for Willard Burnham, the years are 1924-26, meaning Burnham lettered in 1924 and 1926 but not in 1925. Lettermen lists are not available for the 1890, 1891 and 1895 seasons. Players are listed by hometown and the last position they played at Nebraska.

We are Interested in Receiving Updated Information on our Letterwinners
Are you a former Husker football letterwinner? If so, we are trying to stay in contact with you.

Former Nebraska football players are encouraged to click here to update your information with the Nebraska Athletic Department and the Letterwinners N Club.

Please pass this message along to any other players you know. Thank you.

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I   

J    K     L    M    N    O    P   Q   R   

S   T     U    V    W    X    Y    Z