Ty Robinson
Nebraska Defensive Lineman
Postgame Quotes vs. Maryland (Nov. 11, 2023)
Maryland 13, Nebraska 10

On the emotions after today’s loss
“I’m disappointed. It’s not what we wanted. The great thing about football is we can come back tomorrow, look at the film and be able to correct the mistakes that were made today on both sides of the ball. It was a team loss. On defense, we let up too many big plays. We knew it was going to be a passing game and when that happens, when you prep for it all week and it still happens, you’re shocked. I don’t know what else to say, but get to film and fix it.”

On his message to the team going into the fourth quarter
“We had all realized that when we played against Illinois we all came together in the fourth quarter and Illinois is probably the best ball we’ve played all year. You could feel the emotion. You could feel the energy from every aspect on the team. My message to them was that this is the game that we love. This is the type of game that we want to be in. This is the Big Ten ball game. It’s going to come down to the playmakers and it’s going to come down to each and everyone of us to go out there and finish it out. Unfortunately, it didn’t go our way again. We’ll get back to it this week.” 

On the energy the team has been channeling the last week from the Illinois game
“That’s the standard. Each week the standard is raised. I even raised it for myself. I thought I played a pretty good game today and it has to happen next week. I can’t take any games off, not saying anyone does but the d-line sets the tone of the game and going forward it will be how can we raise that standard. How can we get everyone else on board together?” 

On the turnovers and the challenges with the sudden changes during the game
“I wouldn’t say there’s no challenge. We love playing defense, it’s part of the game. It’s unfortunate but our job as a defense is to go and do the same thing. The way you could fight that is telling us that we can go get more turnovers. During halftime that was the message. There was no corrections. It was more ‘go get that ball.’ Omar (Brown) comes out in one of the first plays and gets a fumble, recovers it. It should’ve been happening all game and not till the end of the fourth quarter.”