Ryan Walters
Purdue Head Coach

On the offense not getting on track
“It should have started with the first series. We get the kickoff you know. We talked all week about how we felt like they had bad ball security in their return game. And lo and behold, the first the first opportunity they get, the ball comes out and we get possession of it, and then go backwards and get out of an opportunity to get points on the board. It was a microcosm of what was to come offensively. We had 62 plays and only were able to get 195 yards and as an offense, get the ball in the endzone one time. You can't win a ballgame doing that. So we have to, as a staff, look at what we're doing and try to put our guys in positions to move the chains and get positive yards and put points on the board. That starts with me.”

On the defense forcing fumbles
“Those few plays resulted in 14 points. I did think we played tough and physical. You look at really, Nic (Scourton) and KJ (Kydran Jenkins), and what they're able to do on opposite ends of each other. They complement each other well and pose a lot of problems both in the run game and in the throw game. I think Dillon Thieneman continues to be a guy that we can really hang our hat on and plays football the right way. There's a couple plays out there where, whether it's guys not in the right spot or guys trying to do too much or not getting a call. When you play a game that is this tight, when both sides of the ball are struggling to move it, you gotta be clean. You have to make them earn it and, unfortunately, there were a couple plays out there where we gave it to him.”

On the blocked field goal
“I think the operation time was bad. The holder didn't catch it clean, which slows down (Ben) Freehill who can't get the ball up in the air and then they block it and score a touchdown, it's definitely deflating. Hats off to Nebraska, they were able to capitalize on opportunities when they were presented and we weren't. That to me was the difference in the game.”

On if there were any positives
“It's hard to look at positives when you're sitting where we're at. We're 2-6, we had an opportunity to win a game on the road if we play clean and tough and physical football. We talked about how the turnover margin was going to be huge in protecting the ball was going to be huge. We talked about stopping the run game defensively was gonna be huge and capitalizing on special teams is gonna be huge. We just weren't able to do that and as a result, we lost the game.”