The room was ominous.
Chairs were spread six feet apart, everyone masked.
Even without seeing much facial expression, you could feel the collective tension.
It was my freshman year at Iowa, and this was the first meeting of the gymnastics program.
Little did I know, it would be a turning point in my career.
They began by stating that they had good and bad news.
The good news: we had one more year to compete.
The bad news: the program would be cut after the season.
It was one of the saddest days of my life.
Growing up a gymnast, competing at the Division I level was my ultimate goal, a dream snatched away in minutes.
Tears streamed down my face as the news sunk in.
My world felt upside down.
But amidst the heartbreak, a new beginning was taking shape.
Listen to three male gymnasts share how their athletics careers changed after the men's gymnastics program was cut at Iowa on this episode of Above the Fold.
— The Daily Iowan (@TheDailyIowan) February 28, 2024