2024-2025 SAAC Officers2024-2025 SAAC Officers
Life Skills

SAAC Closes Out Year With Officer Elections

The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) met for the final time of the 2023-2024 school year last night in Memorial Stadium. During the meeting, officers were elected for the 2024-2025 academic year. Callin Hake, a Women’s Basketball student-athlete, was named President, Baseball’s Drew Christo was elected Vice President, Micaylon Moore from the Track & Field team was re-elected as the Big Ten Representative, Chris Hiser from Men’s Gymnastics will serve as the Social Justice Officer, and the Secretary for the 2024-2025 academic year will be Abbey Schwarz, a member of the Soccer Team.

SAAC was very busy this last year, kicking off the year with the SAAC Retreat. Throughout the year, the subcommittees of SAAC hosted many events, including the Student-Athlete Cornhole Tournament, Community Partners Appreciation Luncheon, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Mental Health Awareness Week Treats, HopeSpoke Holiday Drive,  Donor Appreciation Luncheon, and HopeSpoke Afterschool Care Visit. SAAC will also be hosting the Student-Athlete Formal this Sunday and the Finals Week Destress Room on Monday, May 13th to round out the year.

For questions about the Student-Athlete Advisory Committe, please reach out to Assistant Director of Life Skills, Kate Frazier.