It was first-and-ten with 6:30 left on the clock in the fourth quarter.
According to the BCS rankings, Oklahoma was the No. 1-ranked team in the country at the time, and Nebraska, leading 13-10, was the No. 2-ranked team.
The magnitude of the game.
The intensity of the crowd.
Everything came together in this one moment.
Eric Crouch handled the ball, handed it off to Thunder Collins, and Mike Stuntz came barreling from the opposite direction to catch the pitch.
“As I’m making my way across, I look behind the defense and see daylight with Crouch wide open downfield,” Stuntz remembered. “I rear back, make the throw, and then the crowd exploded.”
Stuntz, an 18-year-old true freshman at the time, didn’t fully understand how big of a play it was at the time. But once the game was over and everyone was talking about the play, he began to realize how special it was.