
Nebraska Men's Basketball will use the "No More Hashtags" social justice patch to raise awareness about social injustice.

Men's Basketball

No more hashtags, only change.

No more hashtags, only change.
Amidst the national protests and a summer of unrest and injustice, Nebraska Men's Basketball was inspired to become change agents in the fight against injustice. As the first Nebraska Athletics coach to comment on the protests publicly, coach Fred Hoiberg and staff made it a priority to discuss the events with his team in May and June 2020. What transpired was an overwhelming message of change. And most importantly, no more hashtags. 

This season, The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved rules to allow student-athletes in all sports to wear patches on their uniforms for commemorative and memorial purposes, as well as to support social justice issues. Nebraska Men's Basketball wanted to create a patch with a message, one specific to their team. 

As Kobe Webster and Teddy Allen closed the speech, Allen called for action. No more hashtags, only change. This phrase, not meant to only inspire action instead of talk, is also meant to inspire no more hashtags of names, specifically of victims of injustice. The patch symbolizes the need to move towards actionable steps outlined. Bring awareness to the issues, educating yourself on these issues, being unified on creating change in the world, and the plead to have no more names  becoming hashtags.
Nebraska Men's Basketball has made statements, the team has now shifted to action. Among the first teams in the country to declare Election Day an off day for athletes to vote, the team also held educational sessions throughout the summer and fall, meeting with the Lincoln Police Department, the Malone Center, and collaborating with the Diversity and Inclusion Director to establish a plan of action moving forward.


As the season tips off, the patch will serve as a constant reminder to act. No more hashtags, only change.