Husker Hit Routine - - Nebraska Athletics Official Web Site

Men's Gymnastics

Husker Hit Routine

Husker Hit Routine is a fundraiser for the Nebraska Men's Gymnastics team that will collect pledges from individuals, companies, gyms, donors and various other Nebraska Athletics supporters. Pledges will apply to every routine the Husker team successfully completes, or "hits", in competition.

A hit routine is a routine where no single skill performed receives 0.8 or more in deduction. If an athlete falls of an apparatus, it is no longer considered a "hit". If an athlete does not fall off during a routine, but gets 0.8 off on any individual skill, it is not a "hit" routine.

The purpose of the "Husker Hit Routine" is to raise money to endow scholarships and further support the Nebraska Men's Gymnastics program. This and other endowed scholarships will help ensure the future of the Men's Gymnastics program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Husker Hit Routine began in 2011 with $2,913 earned through hit routines. In the program's second year, the team hopes to raise $31.50 per hit routine. Based on a projected number of 270 hit routines, this amount per routine would raise $8,505 for the program in 2012.

For more information, check out the fundraiser brochure and stats sheet. If you would like to submit a pledge, or have questions, contact assistant coach John Robinson at 402.472.6476 or