#17 Carson Fischer Q&A#17 Carson Fischer Q&A

#17 Carson Fischer Q&A

What made you want to start playing softball?
"I started playing baseball on an all boys team with my older brother when I was 4. My dad was my first baseball coach and he and my brother got me into the sport that I love and know today as softball."

Why did you decide to play softball at Nebraska?
"Being close to my family was my first priority, so I knew I didn't want to go to school far away from home. I also fell in love with the Red Team and how close all of the girls were with each other was a big draw for me to come here."

What is the best thing about being a Husker?
The best thing about being a Husker is representing a university and culture that you love. Everyone is so kind in the Husker family and I know all of us value that a lot."

What are the benefits of being a college softball player?
"One of the benefits about being a college softball player is the fact that we get to play the game we love every single day. Another benefit is being able to be a part of a team full of your best friends, I don't know what I would do without all of my teammates."

What are the challenges of being a college softball player?
"One of the biggest challenges of being a college softball player is balancing time between school and softball and excelling in both. Being a college athlete teaches you time management, which is a skill I'm grateful I've learned this year."

What career do you plan to go into after college?
"After college, I want to become a college softball coach."

What is your role on team/what do you bring to the team?
"I strive to be someone who brings a smile to everyone's face and have that kind of contagious energy that makes other people feel good."

What are sine things that make you unique or that people would be surprised to know about you?
"I love 80's movies. I ran track in high school and got recruited from Nebraska for track as well as softball. I was a state champion in track and field. I have a beagle named Goose."

Favorite Movie? 
"She's the Man" or "Step Brothers." 

Funniest teammate?
Madi Unzicker or Karlee Seevers.

Favorite book?
Ronda Rousey's autobiography, "My Fight Your Fight."

Favorite vacation spot?
Huntington Beach, Calif.

Favorite subject?
Communication Studies.

Celebrity Crush?
Bradley Cooper.

If you could have a super power, what would it be?
Time Travel.

Karaoke Song?
"Shallow" from the soundtrack "A Star Is Born" or "Thru the Phone" by Cardi B.

If you could play a sport other than softball, what would it be?
Track (400m or 800m)  or something I've always wanted to try, snowboarding!!

If you held a world record, what would it be in?
Longest laugh or having the most pairs of shoes.