Nebraska Player Quotes
vs. Kansas
Lawrence, Kan.
Saturday, Nov. 3, 2007
Senior Wide Receiver Maurice Purify
On his performance
"It was great placement by Joe (Ganz). I had not choice but to catch them. One was an inside fade, one was a goal line fade. We didn’t win. I could have had 200 yards and five touchdowns, but we still didn’t win. It doesn’t feel as good as a win would have."
On surviving an offensive shootout
"We needed to force a couple more punts and we needed to drive the ball a little bit more in the first half. We were leading in the first half and they only had one punt. We need to hold up on defense more and convert on third downs. Not too many offenses can score every time they get the ball. We knew it was going to be hard and it puts a lot of pressure on us knowing we have to score every time we get the ball."
On quarterback Joe Ganz
"Ganz played well. He controlled our offense. He read the defense well. He put the ball where it needed to be. A couple of times he threw the ball a little high and it got picked off."
Senior Safety Bryan Wilson
On the game
"I can’t tell you what they were doing that we couldn’t stop. We came in with a solid game plan. We will look at the film tonight and figure out what it was. They got us out of our blitz game early and beat us with key plays here and there. They got us on our heels and took advantage of it. It got out of hand real fast."
On Kansas’ offense
"You would never think a team would score 76 on you. We came in with a good scheme. We thought we could take advantage against them in some areas . We couldn’t come against them like we usually do."
Junior Linebacker Tyler Wortman
On a blowout loss
"It sucks. I really wish it could have gone the other way. We just have to move on, learn from the film and get ready for next week. It snowballed on us bad. It’s difficult when it goes bad on the road. You just have to build momentum on the good things that happen to your team."
On the defensive effort
"I don’t think you can play like that (giving up). You have to keep going no matter what. It comes down to pride."