
Donahoe Wins at All-Star Classic

<?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"?>Eugene, Ore.-Nebraska junior Paul Donahoe scored a takedown and near fall in the third period against No. 4 Jayson Ness of Minnesota to earn a 5-2 decision at the NWCA All-Star Classic in Eugene, Ore., on Monday.<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"?>


Donahoe, ranked first in the nation at 125 pounds, won the hard-fought battle after entering the third period down 1-0. Donahoe scored a takedown and a near fall in the final frame to earn the win. Donahoe claims the victory after losing twice to Ness last season. Ness beat Donahoe in an 11-5 decision at the Kaufman-Brand Open and was on the winning end of an 8-6 decision in the Huskers’ dual with Minnesota on Feb. 11.


“In the past when we have lost to Jayson Ness, we have beaten ourselves,” Head Coach Mark Manning said. “By wrestling well in all three areas tonight, Paul showed how much he has improved in a year.”


The match was tied at zero after one period and Ness scored an escape in the second to take a 1-0 lead into the third. Donahoe earned an escape himself to tie the match at one midway through the third.


The win does not count towards Donahoe's season record, but both of his previous wins have come by pin in under two minutes.


Donahoe now rejoins the Huskers in their preparations for the Las Vegas Invitational on Nov. 30 in Las Vegas.