Ball State Player QuotesBall State Player Quotes

Ball State Player Quotes

Nebraska vs. Ball State
Saturday, Sept. 22, 2007
Memorial Stadium (Lincoln, Neb.)

Quarterback Nate Davis <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"?>

On his emotions after the game
“I mean it was close. Of course that is going to hurt. We have to go back tomorrow and just start it again. That is all I can say.”

On any moral victories with close game
“No. We lost so we have to move on and prepare for next week.”

On the feelings on offense
“We feel good, but the outcome is still we lost. This game is behind us now. We lost so now we have to prepare for next week.”

On the atmosphere
“It is a great atmosphere to play in, but you have to take one play at a time. You have to worry about yourself. Do what you can do and don’t worry about nothing special. Do what you can do. Just go out there and play your hardest.”

On his emotions when <?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"?>BallState was up by two scores
“Our guys played hard and that is what we do best. We all fight hard. The biggest thing is we all compete. That is the best thing we do.”

On specific moments where BallState didn’t take advantage of opportunities
“Of course, you know, my interception. Dumb decision on my part. It changed the game. I should have thrown it away, but you have to learn from your mistakes.”

On Nebraska’s defensive pressure
“We studied them and they did what they were going to do. We just fell short.”

On dropped balls late in the game
“I put it there and he dropped it. We have to move to the next play. Daunte is a great player, he just dropped it. I guess you have to move on.”

On his running touchdown
“Our guys did a heck of a job blocking. They pushed them up field. The defense spread open and left me a whole to run.”

Defensive End Brandon Crawford
On defensive pressure on Keller
“It didn’t go as well as I wanted to. I just didn’t get to him enough. The main thing we were trying to do was get a lot of pressure in there and mix it up and keep him from sitting back in that pocket and having some time to get the ball out. Like I said, I didn’t get to him enough. We were trying to press him the whole day and do all we can with second effort and third effort just to get to that ball.”

On how he sums up how the defense played
“We have some things we need to get back on and correct some things defensively. When we get back to Muncie, we are going to do that. As to how I think the team played, they gave their all. They were out there fighting every play. They didn’t stop. They didn’t. That was the main thing we wanted to do. Go hard and show them we weren’t going to quit. It is just the little things we need to tighten up and I think once we do that, we will be okay.”

On his feeling in final two minutes
“Basically I was feeling great because I was rooting for the offense. I was trying to get them motivated and keep everyone going. I was feeling good. In my mind, I was keeping myself motivated and my team motivated because I wanted to get win the game. I told them stay focused and don’t lose your composure. Keep pressing hard and we will be okay. Basically, I was just trying to instill in them, don’t give up. Keep fighting all through the game.”

On him being surprised by score
“No, I wasn’t surprised. I knew if we came out and fought, if we came out and gave it our all, we would have a chance. No matter where Nebraska ranks in the country, we would have a chance. We have great athletes. We have kids on the team that are focused and determined, including myself. Taking nothing away from Nebraska because they are a great team. We came out and fought. We have great players as well.”