
Bartek Follows Dreams to NU

Brooke Bartek knew what she wanted to be early in life - a Husker volleyball player.

“It feels like a dream come true,” Bartek said. “I don’t even know how to explain it. It was always my goal and it is a great feeling to be here.”

The former Super-Stater from Lincoln Northeast remembers her visits to the NU Coliseum growing up and the impact those made on her growing up.

“I remember watching the 2000 team and looking up to them, and I always wanted to be like them,” Bartek said.

Bartek now has the same opportunity to be a role model as part of a Husker team that is 9-0 and ranked No. 1 in the country.

Head Coach John Cook said that Bartek, the only Husker who didn’t accompany the team on their Asia trip, is adjusting to the speed of the college game.

“I’m sure it is overwhelming for her at times,” Cook said. “Every time she has gone in, she has made the most of her opportunities.”

Bartek said that her teammates have helped greatly in helping with the adjustment process.

“The girls have made it easy for me,” Bartek said. “Every day I have new stuff to learn and they are always helping.”
Bartek has appeared in three matches, totaling a season-high two kills and an ace against No. 20 Louisville on Sept. 8. Bartek has worked in training at all three outside hitting roles and also plays a vital role for the White team in practice, helping the Huskers prepare for matches.

“She has done a great job for our White team in practices,” Cook said. “When she attacks, she can be very hard to block and that gives us a good look as we prepare for teams.”

Side Out with Brooke Bartek
Full name: Brooke Kathleen Bartek
Parents: Steve and JoAnne Bartek
Place of birth: Lincoln, Neb.
Major: Nutritional Science and Dietetics
Childhood ambition: To be a Husker
Proudest athletic moment: Winning state basketball
Favorite movie: Too many to name
Musician: Destiny’s Child
Inspirations: The Lord and my parents
Favorite vacation spot: Disney World
Favorite athlete: Michael Jordan
Favorite sports team: The Huskers
My motto: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Where I will be in 10 years: A physical therapist, married with kids