Nebraska Football Locker RoomNebraska Football Locker Room

Nebraska Football Locker Room

Nebraska Football Locker Room Featured Image The home of five national championship football teams, Nebraska provides its players with every tool needed to be successful. The primary home for the football team is its locker room, which ranks among the most impressive in the country. Each locker is made of solid maple and features a convenient storage system for equipment and is also customized with a name plate and action photo. The lockers are hand-made and custom designed with individual electronic security locks and a unique ventilation system which pulls air through and out of the locker. The design of the locker room allows each athlete to have a greater amount of space and personal storage area while providing a convenient setup next to the equipment room. An added benefit to the new layout comes when Coach Pelini addresses the team, as he can stand on the N in the middle of the floor and view nearly every locker without obstruction. After a hot two-a-day session or long practice, Husker football players can cool down in the cold plunge tanks within the shower area in the locker room.