Kansas Coach Mark ManginoKansas Coach Mark Mangino

Kansas Coach Mark Mangino

Nebraska Football
Kansas Coach Mark Mangino
Postgame Quotes
Nov. 5, 2005

Kansas Head Coach Mark Mangino
On the game
"It was a great day here for our football team. I’m extremely proud of our kids. We won the game in nearly every area. We didn’t play perfectly, but we did enough in all three areas of the game. We had very good defense again and we had really good offense, which is starting to hit on all cylinders. More then anything I’m extremely proud of our players. They showed a lot of heart and played good physical football."

On KU’s offense
"Our offensive line -- you can see the maturity taking place. There is only one senior in that unit. You can see the growth of Jon Cornish as the season progresses, and the steady hand of Clark Green that has been so valuable to us over the years. I thought our offensive line played well against a very physical defensive line."

On KU’s defense
"Our defense has some really good individual players, but I think there are one or two guys that really jump out. For the most part it is an ensembled cast. Everybody does their job well and knows their role, and performs it flawlessly. We’re accustomed to seeing great play from our linebackers and sacks from our defensive linemen."