Kansas Coach Bill Snyder QuotesKansas Coach Bill Snyder Quotes

Kansas Coach Bill Snyder Quotes

Kansas State Football
Coach Bill Snyder
Postgame Quotes
Nov. 12, 2005

On if this game reflects what the season has been all about
"I don't know I am not that philosophical right now to figure that out. We have experienced this before quite obviously. I don't know if it is exactly the same way or not. We have had some extremely disappointing losses and this is probably as disappointing to our players and coaches as any."

On if he was proud of the way his team fought back
"I told our football team afterward that nobody gave in and I was proud of their effort. They fought the fight. I know when you invest a great deal in something and you are not successful it is very painful. And I can see the pain in their eyes and in their voices. I know that they hurt from this. But I am proud of them."

On Allan Evridge
"I think he would like to have some plays back. He had some good and not so good but I will have to watch the video tape. I think he did some fine things at times and at other times he didn't."

On the PAT problems
"I think we just didn't get the ball up in the air. We mishandled a snap and I know that and we hit the ball what I considered to be seemingly low and they also got some push against us which means that we had some trouble up front with our protection. I think it was a combination of different things happening at different times."

On what has frustrated him the most about his team this season
"I am being redundant I'm sure, but turning the ball over a few times, two penalties that were costly and put us into long-yardage situations. We had some miscues in the kicking game in regard to when to and when not to field kicks and when to and when not to bring them out of the end zone. Again, it goes back to the same thing in terms of a discipline to do so many things which isn't easy to do but you still have to do them."

On why Allen Webb was rotating with Allan Evridge
"Allan (Evridge) got hurt. We took him out the first time when he got hurt and then he went down again and we took him out. I left Allen (Webb) in for a short period of time so that we could do some of the things that we thought he could do better than Allan Evridge."

On the third quarter turning point
"There are so many things that made the ultimate difference in the ballgame. I don't know that it was any one thing. Yes we would have liked to have more points in the third quarter when we had the wind in our favor because in the fourth we had our back to the goal line on virtually every possession. Still, we had some opportunities and didn't take advantage of them.

On Tim Schwerdt kicking the last field goal
"For a guy that didn't get on the field very much at all this year that was amazing amount of pressure to place on a young guy. I wasn't sure that I definetly wanted to do that, but he is the guy that can get the ball up in the air. I watched him practice day in and day out and he gets it in the air and that is what we needed. I was awfully pleased and happy for him as well."