Nebraska Wide Receiver Jahmal Banks Pre-UNI Press Conference

On the likes and dislikes of the current offense
“We’ve shown great physicality, us being able to move the ball, especially on the first drive, which has been great. The ability to feed off the defense’s energy, and attack. We have got to work on first and second down efficiency, and how we want it, and closing out in the fourth quarter.”

On perimeter blocking and improving the offensive, coach’s efforts
“He’s pushing us and challenging us to challenge ourselves, to have the mentality that your guy cannot make the play. To dominate your opponent, and do it religiously.”

On Jacory’s (Barney Jr.) performance
“He just is so talented and super fast. He’s very confident too and it shows in the way he plays. I think he’s going to continue to be that way as he gets stronger and bigger, fills out. He’s going to be a dominant player.”

On the night game atmosphere
“That game, I caught myself getting hyped. Dancing to it. I did get caught in the moment for sure. In the future, maybe a little less.”