Lexi Rodriguez

On the tunnel walk:

“I was trying to stay in the moment and present and soak it all in. I was super excited so I just couldn’t hold a serious face and it was crazy emotions.”


On the atmosphere at Memorial Stadium: 

“Once we got going a crowd is a crowd and once we got focused on the six people on the court the biggest thing was managing the wind and focusing on our side.”


On the impact of little girls watching them play volleyball at Nebraska: 

“I think it’s huge for little girls to see a women’s sports and volleyball played on this big of a stage and having so many people invested in it. When you’re little, you have so many dreams and big goals and I think having something to look up to like this to is something a lot of little girls will keep in their back of their mind when pursuing volleyball.”


Andi Jackson

On breaking the world record:

“We were walking out of the tunnel on the second set and we heard on the speaker that we had just broken the world record. We celebrated in the tunnel walking out. It’s incredible. I can’t describe how grateful I am to be a part of Husker Nation.”


On breaking the attendance record in Memorial Stadium:

“Our team has worked so hard and Nebraska volleyball is a huge legacy. We have to give credit to the women who did it before us because we wouldn’t be here without them.” 


On being 4-0 and future competitions:

“This team is ready. We’re competitive and we’re ready to go. I am really excited for this season to see how we do.”